Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Outsider
Post #1

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is Johnny killed Bob. Since this happen happening Johnny and Ponyboy's position changed. Before Johnny killed Bob, Johnny and Ponyboy went the place to see a movie. At there they met two beautiful girls, Cherry and Marcia. The one of the girls is a Socs' girl friend. Johnny and Ponyboy had a nice time with Cherry and Marcia. Because of this the blue Mustang came to the park and they were circling Johnny and Ponyboy. Johnny and Ponyboy couldn’t run because they drunk. The blue Mustang beaten them and put the ponyboy’s head in the fountain. Johnny saw this and he thought Ponyboy was going to die so he killed Bob who was putting ponyboy's head into the water. After Ponyboy recognized what Johnny did, they went to Dally and they got some money and guns. They ran away from there. This event makes me feel so sad. Johnny and Ponyboy are not bad people but the situation that Johnny killed Bob, it was may be impulsive. I think they got a shock from killed somebody. They are still young, but then they got terrible happens they have to left their home and they have to live really quietly nobody notice who they are. I think it is so heavy and tough for teenagers to carry out.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Post #5
What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I think the major theme of this novel is we need to know and keep important things in our minds and also we need to follow the rules of any group that you are in. Today people forget what is first and what is second or what is right and wrong. Sometime because of the mood, people commit something wrong even though they know it is not right. If people do not follow the rules then the society will be massed up and ruined. I think this theme is important to teenagers living in 2007 because teenagers are not grown up they are still learning and fixing. Teenagers are exposure in danger and temptation. Especially teenagers who are living in 2007, but not all of teenagers but many of them, they do not have much patience. And also they are rougher compare with before teenagers. Today’s movie or a program of television shows intense and stimulus without hesitation because of this reason teenager’s violence occurs frequently. Some teenagers do not have brothers or sisters. Only child doesn’t have to share something with her or his sibling. This source makes trouble when they are in group. In a small group, rules are important for maintain the group. For only child teenagers this surrounding might be strange for them. During the teenage is more susceptibility than rational so they are just swept away by mood so they
oblivious what is the right way.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The setting I liked best was the mountain. It was surrounded with pink rock and green trees. It was the place where the first fire was built. All the boys helped in making the fire by volunteering. The surrounding is refreshing and feels free. The nature in the middle of the island is so beautiful. On the top of the mountain you can see every part of the island and also the sea surrounding it.
The place that was most disturbing was the forest at night. It was creepy and stuffy. It is also scary and mysterious. You don't know when the beast will jump out or even if the beast exists. It is the place of question the most arguments were made because of this unknown part of the island.
Post #3
What is the mood of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The first mood of this novel was peaceful every kids were listening person who got the conch and they didn't break the rules. But later mood was change to anger and anxiety. Kids seperated by two groups. One group wanted to be just playing but another group thought about how to servive in this island. That two groups didn't like each other. Eventually they killed kids. At the first time they were friends but later they became savages. I didn't expect they would kill each other. It is such a huge happening. How come they killed people. This happening was so sad unbelievable.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Post #2
What is the climax if this novel? What happens? How do the events of the novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is Jack left Ralph and went the other place with his hunters and made another group. Jack became a leader of his group. Jack didn't care about the fire; he just hunted and enjoyed foods. Jack's tribe was dancing during the enjoying for foods and they thought Simon was a beast so they killed him. It was an accident, they surprised so they killed Simon. This happening made me feel so sad and absurd. Simon died because of Jack's tribe. They were in feast so everybody was impulsive. If he died because of beaster or wild animal’s attack then I could understand this happening but cause is not because of beaster or animal. This event makes me feel pitiable about Simon. Jack tried to injure Ralph’s tribes. This situation made me feel Jack is so wicked and a villain. Even though killed Simon is not on purpose Jack doesn’t feel any guilty about it and he is not sorry to Simon

Monday, January 29, 2007

Post #1
Who are the main characters in the novel?Do you like them? Why or Why not?What is special about them?
What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

There are many characters in this story but I think Ralph, Piggy and Jack is the main characters because the story is going on based on Ralph, Piggy and Jack. Ralph is a leader of the group and Piggy supported him. Jack made happening, he organized another group and he commanded to kids.
I do not like all of them but I like Ralph and Piggy because they think about how can they rescue and they try something for rescue. They made rules for them and they figured out the way about how to let people know they are in the island. On the other hand Jack doesn’t think fire is important and he did something that not right. Later he killed his peer so I don’t like him.
They are special because even though they are in young age, they think really deeply and they know what they have to do be rescued. They tried everything what they can do. Ralph knows what the most important thing is and he didn't cease that just talking about that. He really attempted it.
They reveal who works in the government. In their group they have a leader and they have a meeting. In the meeting they discuss and make a decision. Sometimes they have a confliction because of the different opinions. They fought because of different opinions and some kids didn’t submit leader’s direction.