Monday, February 05, 2007

Post #2
What is the climax if this novel? What happens? How do the events of the novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is Jack left Ralph and went the other place with his hunters and made another group. Jack became a leader of his group. Jack didn't care about the fire; he just hunted and enjoyed foods. Jack's tribe was dancing during the enjoying for foods and they thought Simon was a beast so they killed him. It was an accident, they surprised so they killed Simon. This happening made me feel so sad and absurd. Simon died because of Jack's tribe. They were in feast so everybody was impulsive. If he died because of beaster or wild animal’s attack then I could understand this happening but cause is not because of beaster or animal. This event makes me feel pitiable about Simon. Jack tried to injure Ralph’s tribes. This situation made me feel Jack is so wicked and a villain. Even though killed Simon is not on purpose Jack doesn’t feel any guilty about it and he is not sorry to Simon

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